Everyone deserves a coach

Vogelflugperspektive auf ein Kanu mit Ausleger und 4-Paddlern auf dem MeerVogelflugperspektive auf ein Kanu mit Ausleger und 4-Paddlern auf dem Meer

In sports, we all get a coach, in life we do not - crimalin wants to change that.

crimalin is a unique online group coaching experience - we support you in reflecting, aligning, and growing to ultimately become your best self.

Coaching - a crowded and expensive market

It is challenging to find affordable but qualified coaches, especially online. It can be even more challenging to match them with your specific needs. That is why we built crimalin.

Vogelperspektive auf einen mit bunt gekleideten Menschen überfüllten Platz

Choose your Journey

Our Journeys are guided by highly qualified, experienced and solidly certified coaches. They apply proven methodology to support you on your path.

Why group coaching?

Group coaching is proven to provide one of the best environments for your personal growth. Together with your coach and your group of peers - who each bring along their very own stories - you will find common experiences and discover new approaches.

They support you in reflecting and provide you with ideas to find your individual solutions. They also help you keep your commitments in an open yet safe environment for different opinions and perspectives.

That is also why we rely on groups in all our different Journeys. On the Balance & Vitality as well as the Business & Career Impact Journeys, you will be six companions embarking together. For the Life Orientation & Navigation Journey it will only be four of you.

Dr. Peter Schwarzer
Dr. Cristina Barth Frazzetta
Dr. Johannes Kienzler
Dr. Heinz Christian Kuche

What makes our coaches special?

Every coach at crimalin is hand-picked and vetted against our values and high standards. We do not rely on coaching databases. We select only coaches with years of experience in their field for you - academic and practical. We also make sure they hold solid certifications from firmly established institutions.

Group Coaching

A strong support network for trust and accountability. Whatever you face, we face it with you!

Online Coaching

Easily accessible from anywhere at any time. Wherever you are, we are there with you!

Individual Journeys

Three distinct directions to embark in suited to your specific situation. We look forward to exploring your path together with you!

Qualified and Experienced Coaches

A group of highly skilled, experienced and qualified coaches at your disposal. Quality is our trademark, we always strive to provide the best of the best to you!

Platform / Additional Content

Lots of content is provided to reflect and absorb between sessions. We provide the material, you decide the pace!

Coaching accessible to all

We want everyone to benefit from our coaching programs so we offer them at just 89,25 EUR per hour (75 EUR + VAT). Our monthly sessions take two hours, providing you with ample time for meaningful progress and growth!

Portrait von Dr. Cristina Barth Frazzetta
Over the course of my 26 years as a coach for many different companies, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact ethical and positive coaching has on both problem-solving and personal growth.
Thus it is my firm belief that everyone should have access to high-quality coaching in their personal lives, too.

That is why we created crimalin: to make high-quality coaching easily accessible and affordable for all.
Dr. Cristina Barth Frazzetta
Co-Founder & COO
Portrait von Dr. Heinz-Christian Kuche
'Where there is clarity, there is no need for courage'

Systemic coaching is a fantastic tool to find clarity and well-being. The step to restore one's own balance through it is sometimes just a stone's throw away.  
I accompany my coachees on this path out of conviction. It is what I am passionate about.
Dr. Heinz-Christian Kuche
Head Coach Balance & Vitality
Dr. Peter Schwarzer
The participants of the crimalin Business Journey deserve a safe space where they can openly explore their topics and unleash their imagination. When they take the courageous step towards transformation, it marks a significant breakthrough that fills both me and my coachees with pride.
Dr. Peter Schwarzer
Head Coach Business & Career Impact
Dr. Johannes Kienzler
My journey provides mindful inner guidance. Coachees learn to better understand their values, needs, beliefs and behaviors during our time together. This way, they ultimately gain new perspectives for authentic personal decisions.

It brings me great joy to guide them through this process, witnessing their often conflicting inner maps transform into clear paths and goals.
Dr. Johannes Kienzler
Head Coach Life Orientation & Navigation

Coaching in numbers

Coaching will become a much more important part of our daily lives. All the more important to better understand the market. We collected key facts worth knowing for you.


increase in online coaching compared to pre pandemic


of our coaches are certified. General market: only 25%


average return for every Euro spent on Coaching

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Your Journey begins now...

Embark on your Journey together with us - whichever direction you choose, we are there with you to explore and discover new paths!